
You cannot meet everybody else’s expectations of you. Fact!

And you are not meant to!  Yet we punish ourselves with these unattainable & often harsh, unrealistic ‘goals’ that we have been conditioned by family or society OR even worse, have set for ourselves. If you have ever said or thought any of the following… 


If only I COULD have done….

Why can’t I be MORE LIKE her/him…

I’m NOT a GOOD ENOUGH parent…

But if I say no I MIGHT UPSET her….

…you are trying to live by unhealthy expectations that do not serve you well.

 I’m sure you can think of more of these self sabotaging statements. Everytime we respond in this way to a situation or memory we are adding more weight to the “Critic Cargo” we carry around with us. 

Some of these expectations we have inherited through early childhood conditioning, some are running through our genetic lineage, some we have developed throughout our life to feed old ‘wounds’, and some occur to keep us stuck in a perceived safety but limiting fixed mindset.

This kind of thinking and behaviour only leaves us feeling like we are failing. And as a result, preventing us from living our life with ease and satisfaction in our daily life. Where has our self compassion gone? Where is that acknowledgement of self that “I am enough??”

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